what language must be used to display a bare minimum web page

ASP.NET Multiple Option Questions :-

1. Choose the form in which Postback occur
A. HTMLForms
B. Webforms
C. Winforms

2. Spider web.config file is used…
A. Configures the time that the server-side codebehind module is called
B. To shop the global information and variable definitions for the application
C. To configure the web server
D. To configure the web browser

3. Which of the following object is not an ASP component?
A. LinkCounter
B. Counter
C. AdRotator
D. File Access

4. The first event triggers in an aspx page is.
A. Page_Init()
B. Page_Load()
C. Page_click()

5. Difference between Response.Write() andResponse.Output.Write().
A. Response.Output.Write() allows yous to buffer output
B. Response.Output.Write() allows you to write formatted output
C. Response.Output.Write() allows you to flush output
D. Response.Output.Write() allows you to stream output

6. Which of the following method must exist overridden in a custom control?
A. The Paint() method
B. The Control_Build() method
C. The default constructor
D. The Render() method

seven. How do we create a FileSystemObject?
A. Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
B. Create("FileSystemObject")
C. Create Object:"Scripting.FileSystemObject"
D. Server.CreateObject("FileSystemObject")

eight. Which of the following tool is used to manage the GAC?
A. RegSvr.exe
B. GacUtil.exe
C. GacSvr32.exe
D. GacMgr.exe

9. What class does the ASP.Net Web Course grade inherit from by default?
A. System.Spider web.UI.Page
B. System.Web.UI.Class
C. System.Web.GUI.Page
D. System.Web.Form

x. We can manage states in asp.cyberspace application using
A. Session Objects
B. Application Objects
C. Viewstate
D. All of the to a higher place

ASP.NET Objective Questions

eleven. Attribute must be set up on a validator control for the validation to work.
A. ControlToValidate
B. ControlToBind
C. ValidateControl
D. Validate

12. Caching type supported past ASP.Net
A. Output Caching
B. DataCaching
C. A and B
D. none of the higher up

13. What is used to validate circuitous string patterns like an e-mail accost?
A. Extended expressions
B. Basic expressions
C. Regular expressions
D. Irregular expressions

fourteen. File extension used for ASP.NET files.
A. .Web
D. None of the above

15. An alternative way of displaying text on spider web page using
A. asp:label
B. asp:listitem
C. asp:button

16. Why is Global.asax is used?
A. Declare Global variables
B. Implement application and session level events
C. No use

17. Which of the following is not a member of ADODBCommand object?
A. ExecuteScalar
B. ExecuteStream
C. Open
D. ExecuteReader

18. Which DLL translate XML to SQL in IIS?

nineteen. Default Session data is stored in ASP.Net.
A. StateServer
B. Session Object
C. InProcess
D. all of the in a higher place

20. Default scripting language in ASP.
A. EcmaScript
B. VBScript
D. JavaScript

21. How do you get data from a form that is submitted using the "post" method?
A. Request.QueryString
B. Request.Grade
C. Response.write
D. Response.writeln

22. Which object can help yous maintain data across users?
A. Application object
B. Session object
C. Response object
D. Server object

23. Which of the following ASP.Net object encapsulates the state of the client?
A. Session object
B. Application object
C. Response object
D. Server object

24. Which of the following object is used along with awarding object in order to ensure that simply one process accesses a variable at a fourth dimension?
A. Synchronize
B. Synchronize()
C. ThreadLock
D. Lock()

25. Which of the following control is used to validate that two fields are equal?
A. RegularExpressionValidator
B. CompareValidator
C. equals() method
D. RequiredFieldValidator

26. Mode of storing ASP.NET session
A. InProc
B. StateServer
C. SQL Server
D. All of the above

27. Which of the following is not the mode to maintain state?
A. View state
B. Cookies
C. Hidden fields
D. Request object

28. You can have only one Global.asax file per projection.
A. Yep
B. No

29. ______________ element in the web.config file to run code using the permissions of a specific user
A. < credential> element
B. < authentication> element
C. < authority> element
D. < identity> element

30. __________ is a special subfolder within the windows binder that stores the shared .NET component.
A. /bin
C. Root

31. Which of the following is the functioning attributes of processModel?
A. requestQueue limit
B. maxWorkerThreads
C. maxIdThreads
D. All

32. Which of the following is faster and consume lesser memory?
A. SQLDataReader
B. Information Gear up

33. Which of the following is the way to monitor the spider web application?
A. MMC Event viewers
B. Performance logs
C. Alerts Snap-ins

34. The ________________ property affects how the .Internet Framework handles dates, currencies, sorting and formatting bug.
A. CurrentUICulture
B. CurrentCulture

35. Where exercise nosotros include the user lists for windows hallmark?
A. < Credential>
B. < authorization>
C. < identity>
D. < authentiation>

36. Where do we include the user lists for Form authentication?
A. < credential>
B. < authorization>
C. < Identity>
D. < authentication>

37. Which of the following authentication is best suited for a corporate network?
A. Windows
B. Course
C. User
D. All

38. What attributes do you use to hide a public .Net class from COM?
A. DLLImport Attributes
B. ComVisible attributes
C. COM Interop
D. All

39. By default, code written with the Debug class is stripped out of release builds.
A. Yes
B. No

xl. _________ tests make certain that new code does not break existing lawmaking.
A. Regression tests
B. Integration tests
C. Unit tests
D. Load test

41.  The .NET Framework provides a runtime environs called….. ?
A.   RMT
B.   CLR
C.   RCT
D.   RC

42.  In ASP.Net in form page the object which contains the user name is ______ ?
A.   Page.User.Identity
B.   Page.User.IsInRole
C.   Page.User.Name
D.   None of the Above

43.  Find the term: The .Net framework which provides automated memory management using a technique chosen ______________ ?
A.   Serialization
B.   Garbage Collection
C.   Assemblies
D.   Overriding

44.  Which of the following announce ways to manage state in an ASP.Cyberspace Application?
A.   Session objects
B.   Awarding objects
C.   ViewState
D.   All the Above

45.  What is the base form from which all Web forms inherit?
A.   Principal Page
B.   Folio Course
C.   Session Class
D.   None of the Above

46.  WSDL stands for ___________ ?
A.   Web Server Description Language
B.   Web Server Descriptor Language
C.   Web Services Description Language
D.   Web Services Descriptor Language

47.  Which of the following must be washed in order to connect information from some data resources to Repeater command?
A.   Set the DataSource belongings
B.   Phone call the DataBind method
C.   Both A. and B.
D.   None of the Above

48.  Which of the following is FALSE?
A.   ASP.Internet applications run without a Web Server
B.   ASP+ and ASP.NET refer to the same affair
C.   ASP.NET is a major upgrade over ASP
D.   None of the In a higher place

49.  Which of the post-obit transfer execution directly to some other page?
A.   Server.Transfer
B.   Response.Redirect
C.   Both A. and B.
D.   None of the To a higher place

l.  If ane has two different spider web form controls in a application and if one wanted to know whether the values in the to a higher place two dissimilar web course control match what command must be used?
A.   DataList
B.   GridView
C.   CompareValidator
D.   Listview

51.  Which of the following is used to transport email bulletin from my ASP.NET page?
A.   Arrangement.Spider web.Mail.MailMessage
B.   Arrangement.Web.Mail.SmtpMail
C.   Both A. and B.
D.   None of the To a higher place
Reply: Both A. and B.

52.  In my .NET Framework I take threads. Which of the following denote the possible priority level for the threads?
A.   Normal
B.   AboveNormal
C.   Highest
D.   All the Higher up
Answer: All the Above

53.  In .Internet the operation of reading metadata and using its contents is known as ______?
A.   Reflection
B.   Enumeration
C.   Binding
D.   Serialization
Answer: Reflection

54.  In ASP.Cyberspace the < authorization > section contain which of the following elements?
A.   < deny >
B.   < allow >
C.   Both A. and B.
D.   None of the Above
Reply: Both A. and B.

55.  The type of code found in Lawmaking-Behind form is ________ ?
A.   Server-side code
B.   Client-side lawmaking
C.   Both A. and B.
D.   None of the above
Respond: Server-side code

56.  Common type system is built into which of the following:
A.   CLR
B.   RCT
C.   RCW
D.   GAC
Answer: CLR

57.  The actual piece of work process of ASP.NET is taken care past _____________?
A.   inetinfo.exe
B.   aspnet_isapi.dll
C.   aspnet_wp.exe
D.   None of the In a higher place
Answer: aspnet_wp.exe

58.  Which of the following let writing formatted output?
A.   Response.Write()
B.   Response.Output.Write()
C.   Both A. and B.
D.   None of the Above
Answer: Response.Output.Write()

59.  Which of the following denote the property in every validation control?
A.   ControlToValidate property
B.   Text belongings
C.   Both A. and B.
D.   None of the To a higher place
Answer: Both A. and B.

60.  How many classes tin can a single .NET DLL contain?
A.   One
B.   Two
C.   None
D.   Many
Answer: Many

61.  Suppose one wants to modify a SOAP message in a Soap extension then how this can be accomplished. Cull the right choice from below:
A.   One must override the method ReceiveMessage
B.   One must override the method InitializeMethod
C.   Both A. and B.
D.   1 must override the method ProcessMessage
Respond: One must override the method ReceiveMessage

62.  Which of the following can be used to add together alternating color scheme in a Repeater control?
A.   AlternatingItemTemplate
B.   DataSource
C.   ColorValidator
D.   None of the Above
Answer: AlternatingItemTemplate

63.  Suppose a .Cyberspace developer wants to convert an object into a stream of bytes so the process is chosen ______________ ?
A.   Serialization
B.   Threading
C.   RCW
D.   AppDomain
Answer: Serialization

64.  The technique that permit code to make function calls to .Cyberspace applications on other processes and on other machines is
A.   .NET Threading
B.   .Net Remoting
D.   None of the above
Answer: .NET Threading

65.  The namespace within the Microsoft .NET framework which provides the functionality to implement transaction processing is ………………..
A.   System.EnterpriseServices
B.   System.Security
C.   System.Diagnostics
D.   System.Data
Answer: A

66.  Which of the following method is used to obtain details well-nigh information types of associates?
A.   GetTypes
B.   GetType
C.   Both A. and B.
D.   None of the Above
Answer: Both A. and B.

67.  Which of the following is True about Windows Authentication in ASP.Internet?
A.   Automatically determines function membership
B.   Role membership adamant only past user programming
C.   ASP.Internet does non support Windows Authentication
D.   None of the Above
Respond: Automatically determines function membership

68.  What tags one need to add within the asp:datagrid tags to bind columns manually?
A.   Ready AutoGenerateColumns Belongings to false on the datagrid tag
B.   Set AutoGenerateColumns Property to true on the datagrid tag
C.   Information technology is not possible to practice the operation
D.   Set AutomaunalColumns Belongings to truthful on the datagrid tag
Respond: Set AutoGenerateColumns Property to false on the datagrid tag

69.  Which method do y'all invoke on the DataAdapter control to load your generated dataset with data?
A.   Load ( )
B.   Fill up( )
C.   DataList
D.   DataBind
Answer: Make full( )

70.  In ASP.NET the sessions can be dumped by using
A.   Session.Dump
B.   Session.Abandon
C.   Session.Exit
D.   None of the To a higher place
Answer: Session.Carelessness

71. Which of the following languages tin can be used to write server side scripting in ASP.NET?
A.   C-sharp
B.   VB
C.   C++
D.   A and B
Answer: D

72. When an .aspx page is requested from the web server, the out put will be rendered to browser in following format.
B.   XML
C.   WML
D.   JSP
Answer: A

73. The Asp.net server control, which provides an alternative style of displaying text on web folio, is
A.   < asp:label >
B.   < asp:listitem >
C.   < asp:push button >
Answer: A

74. The first event to be triggered in an aspx page is.
A.   Page_Load()
B.   Page_Init()
C.   Page_click()
Answer: B

75. Postback occurs in which of the following forms.
A.   Winforms
B.   HTMLForms
C.   Webforms
Answer: C

76. What namespace does the Spider web folio vest in the .NET Framework form hierarchy?
A.   System.web.UI.Page
B.   Arrangement.Windows.Page
C.   System.Web.page
Answer: A

77. Which method practise you invoke on the Data Adapter command to load your generated dataset?
A.   Fill up( )
B.   ExecuteQuery( )
C.   Read( )
Answer: A

78. How practise you annals a user control?
A.   Add together Tag prefix, Tag proper name
B.   Add Source, Tag prefix
C.   Add Src, Tagprefix, Tagname
Respond: C

79. Which of the following is truthful?
A.   User controls are displayed correctly in the Visual Studio .NET Designer
B.   Custom controls are displayed correctly in VS.Net Designer
C.   User and Custom controls are displayed correctly in the Visual Studio .NET Designer.
Answer: C

lxxx. To add a custom control to a Web form nosotros have to annals with.
A.   TagPrefix
B.   Name infinite of the dll that is referenced
C.   Assemblyname
D.   All of the above
Answer: B

81. Custom Controls are derived from which of the classes
A.   System.Web.UI.Webcontrol
B.   Arrangement.Web.UI.Customcontrol
C.   System.Web.UI.Customcontrols.Webcontrol
Respond: D

82. How ASP.Net Dissimilar from classic ASP?
A.   Scripting is separated from the HTML, Lawmaking is interpreted seperately
B.   Scripting is separated from the HTML, Lawmaking is compiled every bit a DLL, the DLLs can exist executed on server
C.   Lawmaking is separated from the HTML and interpreted Code is interpreted separately
Respond: C

83. What's the difference betwixt Response.Write() andResponse.Output.Write()?
A.   Response.Output.Write() allows y'all to flush output
B.   Response.Output.Write() allows you to buffer output
C.   Response.Output.Write() allows you lot to write formatted output
D.   Response.Output.Write() allows you to stream output
Answer: B

84. Why is Global.asax is used?
A.   Implement application and session level events
B.   Declare Global variables
C.   No apply
Respond: C

85. There can be more than 1 machine.config file in a system
A.   True
B.   False
Answer: A

86. What is the extension of a web user command file?
A.   .Asmx
B.   .Ascx
C.   .Aspx
Answer: A

87. Which of the following is true?
A.   IsPostBack is a method of System.UI.Web.Page class
B.   IsPostBack is a method of System.Web.UI.Page class
C.   IsPostBack is a readonly property of System.Web.UI.Page class
Answer: B

88. The number of forms that can be added to a aspx folio is.
A.   1
B.   2
C.   three
D.   More than 3
Reply: C

89. How do you lot manage states in asp.net awarding
A.   Session Objects
B.   Application Objects
C.   Viewstate
D.   All of the above
Answer: A

xc. Which property of the session object is used to set up the local identifier?
A.   SessionId
C.   Item
D.   Key
Answer: D

91. Select the caching type supported past ASP.Net
A.   Output Caching
B.   DataCaching
C.   a and b
D.   none of the to a higher place
Answer: B

92. Where is the default Session information is stored in ASP.Internet?
A.   InProcess
B.   StateServer
C.   Session Object
D.   al of the higher up
Answer: C

93. Select the type Processing model that asp.net simulate
A.   Upshot-driven
B.   Static
C.   Linear
D.   Topdown
Answer: A

94. Does the EnableViewState allows the folio to salvage the users input on a form?
A.   Yes
B.   No
Reply: A

95. Which DLL interpret XML to SQL in IIS?
B.   SQLXML.dll
C.   LISXML.dll
D.   SQLIIS.dll
Answer: A

96. What is the maximum number of cookies that can be allowed to a spider web site?
A.   1
B.   10
C.   20
D.   More than 30
Answer: A

97. Select the control which does non accept any visible interface.
A.   Datalist
B.   DropdownList
C.   Repeater
D.   Datagrid
Answer: C

98. How do you explicitly impale a user session?
A.   Session.Close( )
B.   Session.Discard( )
C.   Session.Abandon
D.   Session.Cease
E.   Session.Get out
Answer: C

99. Which of the following is non a member of ADODBCommand object?
A.   ExecuteReader
B.   ExecuteScalar
C.   ExecuteStream
D.   Open
E.   CommandText
Answer: C

100. Which ane of the post-obit namespaces contains the definition for IdbConnection?
A.   System.Information.Interfaces
B.   System.Data.Common
C.   System.Data
D.   System.Information.Connection
Respond: D

101. In your ASP.NET web application you desire to display a listing of clients on a Web folio. The client list displays 10 clients at a time, and you require the ability to edit the clients. Which Web control is the best pick for this scenario?
A. The DetailsView control
B. The Table control
C. The GridView control
D. The FormView control
Answer: The GridView control

102. How to implement hallmark via web.config?
A. Include the authentication element.
B. Include the authorization element.
C. Include the identity chemical element.
D. Include the deny chemical element.
Answer: Include the authorization element.

103. You demand to store land data that is accessible to whatever user who connects to your Web awarding. Which object should y'all utilise?
A. Session
B. Application
C. Response.Cookies
D. Response.ViewState
Respond: Awarding

104. Explicate the significance of Server .MapPath
A. Returns the Virtual Path of the web binder
B. Maps the specified virtual path to Concrete path
C. Returns the physical file path that corresponds to virtual specified path
D. All the above
Reply: Returns the physical file path that corresponds to virtual specified path

105. ________ element in the web.config file to run code using the permissions of a specific user
A. < credential> element
B. < hallmark> element
C. < say-so> chemical element
D. < identity> element
Answer: < identity> chemical element

106. Which of the following is the fashion to monitor the spider web application?
A. MMC Event viewers
B. Functioning logs
C. Alerts Snap-ins
Respond: ALL

107. For your ASP.NET web application your graphics designer created elaborate images that show the product lines of your company. Some of graphics of the production line are rectangular, round, and others are having complex shapes. You demand to use these images as a carte du jour on your Spider web site. What is the all-time style of incorporating these images into your Web site?
A. Utilize ImageButton and use the x- and y-coordinates that are returned when the user clicks to figure out what production line the user clicked.
B. Employ the Tabular array, TableRow, and TableCell controls, break the image into pieces that are displayed in the cells, and use the TableCell control's Click event to place the product line that was clicked.
C. Use the MultiView command and break upward the prototype into pieces that can be displayed in each View control for each product line. Use the Click event of the View to identify the product line that was clicked.
D. Use an ImageMap control and define hot spot areas for each of the production lines. Use the PostBackValue to identify the product line that was clicked.
Respond: Employ an ImageMap control and define hot spot areas for each of the production lines. Use the PostBackValue to identify the product line that was clicked.

108. An ASP.NET page uses a Datagrid displays employee information.The Web application supports a large number of concurrent users, who will exist saving information from the grid dorsum to the database. It is important that the Spider web application doesn't overwhelm the Web Server.
A. Disable View Country and don't apply session country
B. Apply View Country
C. Use URL munging
D. Disable ViewState and use Session State
Answer: Disable View State and don't use session state

109. Which of these data source controls do non implement Caching?
A. LinqDataSource
B. ObjectDataSource
C. SqlDataSource
D. XmlDataSource
Answer: LinqDataSource

110. Which of the following is the default authentication mode for IIS?
A. Anonymous
B. Windows
C. Basic Authentication
D. None
Answer: Bearding

111. When does Garbage collector run?
A. When awarding is running low of memory
B. It runs random
C. When awarding is running for more than fifteen minutes
D. None of the to a higher place
Answer: When application is running low of retentivity

112. Which of the following is the fashion to monitor the web awarding?
A. MMC Event viewers
B. Performance logs
C. Alerts Snap-ins
Answer: ALL

113. Which of the following languages are used to write server side scripting in ASP.NET?
A. C-sharp
C. Both C-abrupt and VB
D. C++
Answer: Both C-sharp and VB

114. In which of the following format, output will be rendered to browser When an .aspx page is requested from the web server?
Answer: HTML

115. Which of the following is true?
A. User controls are displayed correctly in the Visual Studio .NET Designer
B. Custom controls are displayed correctly in VS.Internet Designer
C. User and Custom controls are displayed correctly in the Visual Studio .NET Designer.
Answer: Custom controls are displayed correctly in VS.Net Designer

116. How ASP.Net Different from classic ASP?
A. Scripting is separated from the HTML, Lawmaking is interpreted seperately
B. Code is separated from the HTML and interpreted Lawmaking is interpreted separately
C. Scripting is separated from the HTML, Code is compiled every bit a DLL, the DLLs tin can be executed on server
Answer: Scripting is separated from the HTML, Lawmaking is compiled as a DLL, the DLLs tin be executed on server

117. Which property of the session object is used to set the local identifier?
B. SessionId
C. Key
D. Item
Respond: LCID

118. Which DLL translate XML to SQL in IIS?
Answer: SQLISAPI.dll

119. Which of the post-obit does not have any visible interface?
A. Datagrid
B. Repeater
C. DropdownList
D. Datalist
Reply: Repeater

120. ________ is non a member of ADODBCommand object.
A. ExecuteReader
B. ExecuteStream
C. ExecuteScalar
D. CommandText
E. Open up
Respond: Open up

121. Which class can be used to create an XML document from scratch?
A. XmlConvert
B. XmlDocument
C. XmlNew
D. XmlSettings
Respond: XmlDocument

122. Which class can be used to perform data type conversion between .NET data types and XML types?
A. XmlType
B. XmlCast
C. XmlConvert
D. XmlSettings
Answer: XmlConvert

123. For your ASP.NET web application your graphics designer created elaborate images that show the production lines of your visitor. Some of graphics of the product line are rectangular, round, and others are having circuitous shapes. Y'all need to employ these images as a menu on your Spider web site. What is the best way of incorporating these images into your Spider web site?
A. Use ImageButton and utilise the 10- and y-coordinates that are returned when the user clicks to effigy out what product line the user clicked.
B. Utilize the Table, TableRow, and TableCell controls, break the image into pieces that are displayed in the cells, and apply the TableCell control's Click event to identify the product line that was clicked.
C. Use the MultiView control and pause up the image into pieces that can be displayed in each View control for each production line. Employ the Click outcome of the View to identify the production line that was clicked.
D. Use an ImageMap control and ascertain hot spot areas for each of the product lines. Utilise the PostBackValue to identify the production line that was clicked.
Answer: Use an ImageMap control and define hot spot areas for each of the product lines. Use the PostBackValue to identify the production line that was clicked.

124. In your ASP.NET 2.0 spider web application you lot want to display an image that is selected from a collection of images. What approach will you utilize to implementing this?
A. Apply the ImageMap control and randomly select a HotSpot to show or hide.
B. Use the Image command to hold the paradigm and a Agenda control to randomly select a date for each epitome to exist displayed.
C. Utilize the AdServer control and create an XML file with configuration of the command.
D. Employ an ImageButton control to predict randomness of the image to exist loaded based on the clicks of the control.
Reply: Apply the AdServer command and create an XML file with configuration of the control.

125. Which of the following is a requirement when merging modified data into a DataSet?
A. A principal fundamental must be defined on the DataTable objects
B. The DataSet schemas must match in order to merge
C. The destination DataSet must be empty prior to merging
D. A DataSet must be merged into the aforementioned DataSet that created it.
Answer: A primary primal must be defined on the DataTable objects

126. Which Kind Of data we can store in viewstate
A. Viewstate can store only serilizable object
B. Viewstate can store annihilation
C. Viewstate can store onlys cord
D. None
Answer: Viewstate can store merely serilizable object

127. What is/are the predefined TraceListener(s) in ASP.Cyberspace
A. TextWriterTraceListener
B. EventLogTraceListener
C. DefaultTraceListener
D. All the to a higher place i, ii,three
Answer: All the above 1, 2,three

128. We accept defined i page_load event in aspx page and aforementioned page_load outcome in code behind who will run get-go?
A. page_laod effect in aspx page
B. page_load event in lawmaking-behind
C. both will run simultaneously
D. None
Reply: page_load event in code-behind

129. Which of the post-obit represents the best use of the Table, TableRow, and Table-Jail cell controls?
A. To create and populate a Tabular array in Design view
B. To create a customized control that needs to display data in a tabular fashion
C. To create and populate a Table with images
D. To display a tabular result set
Respond: To create a customized control that needs to display data in a tabular mode

130. How to find out what version of ASP.Cyberspace I am using on my machine?
A. Response.Write(System.Environment.Version.ToString() );
B. Response.Write(Version.ToString() );
C. Response.Write(System.Version.ToString() );
D. not possible
Answer: Response.Write(System.Environment.Version.ToString() );

131. An ASP.NET page uses a Datagrid displays employee information.The Web application supports a big number of concurrent users, who will exist saving information from the filigree back to the database. It is important that the Spider web application doesn't overwhelm the Web Server.
A. Disable View Country and don't use session country
B. Use View Country
C. Employ URL munging
D. Disable ViewState and utilize Session State
Answer: Disable View State and don't employ session land

132. While creating a Web site with the help of Visual Studio 2005 on a remote reckoner that does not have Forepart Folio Server Extensions installed, which Web site type will you create in Visual Studio 2005?
B. File
D. All of the above
Answer: HTTP

133. What's the difference between Response.Write() and Response.Output.Write()?
A. The First one allows you to write formatted output.
B. The latter one allows you to write formatted output.
C. No Difference
D. The latter 1 allows you to write unformatted output.
Reply: The latter one allows yous to write formatted output.

134. If I'yard developing an application that must suit multiple security levels though secure login and my ASP.NET spider web application is spanned across 3 web-servers (using circular-robin load balancing) what would be the best arroyo to maintain login-in state for the users?
A. Maintain the login state security through a database.
B. Maintain the login state security through a Session.
C. Maintain the login state security through a View State.
D. All of the Above
Answer: Maintain the login state security through a database.

135. Where we can assign value to Static read simply fellow member variable of a static class?
A. Default constructor
B. Parameterized constructor
C. Global.asax
D. On click of push button
Answer: Default constructor

136. Which of these files takes the web application in offline mode?
A. app_offline.html
B. app_offline.htm
C. appoffline.html
D. none of these
Respond: app_offline.htm

137. Which of these classes maps to the tag <input type="checkbox"/>
A. HtmlCheckBox
B. HtlmInputCheckBox
C. HtmlControl
D. None
Answer: HtlmInputCheckBox

138. In order to foreclose a browser from caching a folio which of these xstatements should exist written?
A. Response.Cache.SetNoStore();
B. Response.Enshroud.SetNoServerCaching();
C. Response.Cache.SetNoCaching();
D. None of these
Answer: Response.Cache.SetNoStore();

139. Which of these data source controls exercise not implement Caching?
A. LinqDataSource
B. ObjectDataSource
C. SqlDataSource
D. XmlDataSource
Answer: LinqDataSource

140. By default, ASP.NET store SessionIDs in _________.
A. Cookies
B. Cache
C. Database
D. Global variable
Answer: Cookies

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Source: https://engineeringinterviewquestions.com/asp-net-objective-questions-and-answers/

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