There's plenty of love to go around with a new baby: all those snuggle sessions, hundreds of adorable pictures filling your camera roll, the chance to watch your little bundle grow before your very eyes.

But there are also plenty of things to keep track of: how long your little one is sleeping, how many diapers you're changing and, of course, how much your baby is eating.

When it comes to feeding your baby, you'll need to know some specifics: What time did baby's most recent feed start? How many ounces was that last bottle? How long did baby breastfeed and on which breast(s)? How many feedings has she had today?

It's a lot to remember, especially when you're running on (very) little sleep and balancing everything else that comes with new parenthood. Fortunately, a baby feeding tracker like the new one featured in the What to Expect app can help.

What is a baby feeding tracker?

A baby feeding tracker does exactly what you'd expect — it helps you document all the details of your little one's eating habits and diet.

A typical baby feeding tracker includes:

  • A way to track your breastfeeding sessions, bottle-feedings and pumping sessions
  • A timer to record how long each feeding is
  • Feeding history over time, so you can look back at previous feedings and see how they change as your baby gets older
  • A place to jot down any notes you want to remember

Take a look at What to Expect's Baby Feeding Tracker

Want to see how our baby feeding tracker works? Here's a helpful video to give you the highlights:

How to use the What to Expect Baby Feeding Tracker

Searching for a feeding tracker tool but have no idea which one is the best? The What to Expect Baby Feeding Tracker has all the features you're looking for.

All you need to do is download the free What to Expect app from your phone's app store (if you don't have it already), tap "tools," and then tap "Baby Feeding Tracker."

Once you're in the tracker, you can use all the tool's features, including:

  • A way to add new feedings right from the homescreen of the baby app and parenting feed.

screenshot of baby feeding tracker parenting feed

  • A section to track breastfeeding sessions, bottle-feedings and pumping sessions, all from your parenting feed in the What to Expect app.
  • A timer to clock how long your feedings last. If you're nursing, you can record how much time you spend feeding from the left and right breasts. Plus, the timer keeps going while you browse other content, so you can keep using the app while you're feeding your baby.
  • A helpful notes field to add anything you want to remember about baby's feeding sessions.

screenshot of baby feeding tracker types of feedings

  • Feeding and pumping session information for the last day, week and month so you can look for recent eating patterns.
  • Your baby's feeding history in both a long, detailed form and an easy-to-digest snapshot.

screenshot of baby feeding tracker feeding history screen

Benefits of using a baby feeding tracker

There's no shortage of benefits of using a baby feeding tracker. Not only is it instrumental in ensuring that your baby is getting enough to eat, it can help you remember which breast to feed on next if you're nursing or how much to offer after your little one's nap if you're giving her a bottle.

Plus, recording the specifics of your baby's feedings in a tracker like this means you have all the important info in one place. That way, you can identify patterns in how your little one is eating and growing, and adjust if necessary with your pediatrician's guidance.

Panicked thoughts like "Wait, how much did she eat a few hours ago?!" can quickly subside thanks to this tool. A well-baby visit can become instantly easier when all you need to do is open an app to tell the doctor how much your baby is eating, rather than trying to rack your brain for all the minute details.

Ultimately, a baby feeding tracker like What to Expect's "new addition" makes your life as a new parent a whole lot simpler.

Give What to Expect's new baby feeding tracker a try and let us help you organize your little one's eating sessions so that you don't have to. You'll be able to enjoy that special bonding time with your baby all the more! You can download the What to Expect app (and use its baby feeding tracker) for iPhone, iPad and Android.